Recently in Uncategorized Posts Category

Purpose Found

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Previously, I wrote about the lack of purpose of this blog, and now, I have finally found one. This will be a journal of my opinions about a certain type of entertainment I consume. Will it be literature, music, movies, comic books, photographs, video games, or none of those previously mentioned? I will not reveal the secret for now, but I do have a hint: it lends itself to a stream of near-endless opinions. The design of this blog will have to wait. There is too much writing that has yet to be done.

Purpose Wanted

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I need a purpose for this blog in order for its existence to develop. I have no plans to make this a micro blog, but at the same time, I need something of mine to make Webb 2.0 really be about me. I muse on my other blog, and my other projects reside on other domain names. Since I can think of nothing, I'll simply jot down a word that I know I will need later, but I will probably forget it when I need it. Today's mystery word is anomie.

Belated Entry

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After a year or more of inactivity, I feel it might be a better idea to start all over again. I only wish I knew someone who would help me make this place shine.

Second Entry

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As much as I love Movable Type, I believe I will need some help setting up my blogs from beginning to end.  Is there anyone in the vast Internet who will stumble across this request and provide some aid?

Hello, world!

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Yes, this is yet another web log in the realm on online journaling.  This blog is under a Creative Commons License, so anything written here is free to redistribute and remix, as long as you do not place any restrictions to the material when you add to it.  I doubt too many people will care, though.

By the way, I have another other Web sites, such as my other blog, Webbready, Webbcomic, and the future home of my on-line portfolio,  Please be aware that these sites are not under the Creative Commons License, but only the content found under the domain name.

About this Archive

This page is a archive of recent entries in the Uncategorized Posts category.

Soap Opera Thoughts is the previous category.

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Uncategorized Posts: Monthly Archives

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